
How To Increase Fps On Animations Smd


  • #1

Hey all!

So i went searching the internet, to observe a way to perhaps increment my FPS when it comes to HUGE mob farms. (1100 Skeletons / 1400 cows)
**planning to aggrandize the skeletons to 2200**

And so i can run the game at 150-200fps BUT when i look at my mob farm. (all the spawners/mobs) then my computer starts to reenact chernobyl. (FPS drops to like 10-12)

And then i searched for mods that potentionally hide the spawners.. or replaces information technology with a dummy block that has no spinning mob in it..
(minecraft 1.12.2 nonetheless has the spinning mob in the spawner)
- outcome.. i cant find any..

And then i searched for a mod.. that potentionally hides mobs from rendering at all...
- upshot.. i deceit find whatsoever.

Important notes:
I am on Minecraft 1.12.2
I play on Skyblock
I have all animations/particles off (if i would accept this on.. and so my calculator would not reenact the chernobyl event.. and then it volition be the chernobyl two.0 apocalypse. )
I use Forge so i got a few mods on that should help. ( Foamfix / Ai Improvements / Optifine / Clumps ) merely unfortunately it aint helping much :S (incorrect mods mayhap?)

So now i aim this question onto this forum :) crusade i know people are/were in the same boat as i.
Perhaps someone has a fashion on fixing this. (possibly someone made a custom texture pack/modern? and does not heed sharing)


Sorry for the bad paradigm :) its pretty nighttime.. and had to lower the quality in club to upload hither.. for some reason.

Likewise i call back this fits best in skycade discussion, considering its not a problems i experience.
not do other sub-forums match regarding my request.

  • Example farm.jpg

    121.ii KB Views: 29

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  • #ii

Dont you know y'all can F2 screenshot unless ur hiding hacks


  • #3

Dont you know you tin F2 screenshot unless ur hiding hacks

hes on skyblock there is literally no reason to hack


  • #4

hes on skyblock in that location is literally no reason to hack

I legit said unless ur hding hacks and told him how to screenshot
read the text


  • #5

You could create your own texture pack with no spinning mob inside


  • #6

I legit said unless ur hding hacks and told him how to screenshot
read the text

still makes no sense lmao
to hide the gui u press f1 not f2 (also the epitome is a screenshot wtf are u on about)


  • #7

You lot could create your ain texture pack with no spinning mob inside

Hmm i will try that :) *will look into it tomorrow*

Regarding the screenshot.. figured i didnt need to put my whole screen on it.
As well hacking on skyblock is pointless, i dont pvp either and then.. no demand for hacks.
what i do need is FPS :p



my heels are higher than your future


  • #viii

If you have installed optifine, turn "textures animated" off, see if that helps.


  • #9

If you have installed optifine, turn "textures blithe" off, see if that helps.

I have that already turned off

okay so i tried making a custom resource pack.. and fabricated the mob_spawner texture an empty/transparant image.
Now the cages wont bear witness.. but the spinning mob is yet in it :).. so its not increasing my FPS
Anyone know how to go rid of the spinning mob..


so i figured how to get rid of them.. but i doubt this is the wanted result.
Then when going into textures, and then go into enity and literaally make the skeletons empty transparant .png files.
This results in 2 things.. ane the spinning mob in the spawner is gone.. but i also dont encounter the skeletons no more..
+i at present only see bows falling .. and in the mob spawner a spinning bow.. (i do have an increase in FPS already)

so i could accommodate the bow aswell.. so that its completely invisible.. (should place the cage back..)
then it results in me not existence able to see bows and skeletons.

Is that against the rules?

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  • #10

I have that already turned off

okay then i tried making a custom resource pack.. and made the mob_spawner texture an empty/transparant epitome.
Now the cages wont show.. but the spinning mob is still in it :).. then its not increasing my FPS
Anyone know how to go rid of the spinning mob..

Peradventure in entity textures🤔


  • #11

What processor do you have in your pc/laptop?
Since Minecraft is very cpu-based, upgrading your processor might be the best, merely also a costly mode to improve your fps.

Downgrade your graphics,
this puts a tad bit less stress on your processor that now has to deal with less detailed textures.

Reduce your render distance,
this speaks for itself, your pc has to load less chunks.

Turn animations off.

Clients similar Badlion take decent fps-boosting in them, try using them.


  • #12

I call up my figurer spec are proficient :) i got an I7-7700k and got a NVIDIA Geforce GTCX 1080 GPU
Just its just the amount :).. the spawners are not stacked..
and then with g+ spawners... its though for even the all-time computers.. i believe.

Okay then with the skeletons and bows now existence invisible i get arround 30ish fps.. which is more acceptable then x-12 :p

i believe that what is at present causing the lagg is purely the entities spawned.

Also annotation that if i look away from the 1000+ spawners i get 150 fps

Animations are off.

I will take a wait at the Badlion client.


  • #13

I think my reckoner spec are good :) i got an I7-7700k and got a NVIDIA Geforce GTCX 1080 GPU
Just its just the amount :).. the spawners are not stacked..
then with 1000+ spawners... its though for even the best computers.. i believe.

Okay so with the skeletons and bows at present being invisible i get arround 30ish fps.. which is more adequate then x-12 :p

i believe that what is now causing the lagg is purely the entities spawned.

Likewise notation that if i look away from the 1000+ spawners i become 150 fps

Animations are off.

I volition take a look at the Badlion client.

Use badlion bc Optifine is in it. Make sure u use optifine and 1.12+ on skyblock


  • #14

Use badlion bc Optifine is in it. Make certain u use optifine and 1.12+ on skyblock

I already have Optifine in my normal launcher.
Simply tried Badlion but it gave me the exact aforementioned FPS results.


  • #fifteen

Okay i call back i have done everything that could be done.
I have an FPS increase at the lowest when i wait the my skeleton grinder is 25-thirty which is certainly acceptable.

Ticket can be closed, unless a modernistic wants to tell me that making the skeletons/bows texture invisible is immune or not :p

Thanks for your time and tips people :D

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Factions Manager & Sr. Modern



Senior Moderator

  • #sixteen

Okay i call up i have washed everything that could be washed.
I have an FPS increase at the lowest when i look the my skeleton grinder is 25-xxx which is certainly acceptable.

Ticket can exist closed, unless a mod wants to tell me that making the skeletons/bows texture invisible is allowed or not :p

Thank you for your time and tips people :D

Tin can you transport me the resource pack actually lol, I'd similar to try it out sounds like something I might like


  • #17

Can you send me the resources pack actually lol, I'd similar to endeavor it out sounds like something I might similar

Notation i likewise made the cows invisible. and i dont know if this is immune..(dont think they have an upshot with this.. invisible mobs would simply be harder on your cocky :) )

Uploaded information technology hither:


  • #18

Notation i also made the cows invisible. and i dont know if this is allowed..(dont think they take an event with this.. invisible mobs would merely exist harder on your cocky :) )

Uploaded it here:

Thx! I'll try for grinding soon!


  • #19

I think my computer spec are good :) i got an I7-7700k and got a NVIDIA Geforce GTCX 1080 GPU

The i7-7700k is a decent selection, though it only has four cores, information technology has a adept clockspeed. I'd say maybe take a expect at how much RAM you lot give Minecraft. It's fairly easy to change this setting if you know what you're doing. The gpu shouldn't exist affecting your fps that much unless you're playing with insane texture packs and shaders.

i believe that what is now causing the lagg is purely the entities spawned.

That is indeed the issue

Does your island accept a pwarp or a manner that I can get near your spawners?


  • #20

The i7-7700k is a decent option, though it simply has iv cores, it has a skillful clockspeed. I'd say maybe have a wait at how much RAM you give Minecraft. It's fairly easy to change this setting if you know what y'all're doing. The gpu shouldn't be affecting your fps that much unless you're playing with insane texture packs and shaders.

That is indeed the effect

Does your island have a pwarp or a fashion that I tin get near your spawners?

I give arround 4Gb merely the game never really needs more then ane GB
I use standard textures and no shaders.

you can visit my skeleton farm at /pwarp Voncleef i have a small isle. (or to get inside the skeleton straight abroad exercise /pwarp vonafkskel
When y'all exit my shop (directly back) then you will meet the skeletons and cow.


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