
Five Standout Features to Watch for in an Ultrabook - worrellhavoing69

An Acer ultrabook

Ultrabooks are already het up this year. With Apple proving that thin, light laptops are desirable and Intel pushful the chopine, the Consumer Electronics Tie expects as many every bit 50 ultrabooks to be launched at CES in Las Vegas next calendar week. With and so many new models to choose from, how should your business decide which is the best fit?

Ultrabook Defined

Ultrabook is an Intel-trademarked term that refers to a platform that uses its technology to forgather specific requirements. Among these, the twist must iron heel quickly, offer much 5 hours of general use on barrage power, be to a lesser degree .8 inches thick, weigh to a lesser degree 3.1 pounds, use Flash-supported storage, and cost around $1000. Intel competitor AMD is cathartic a corresponding platform it calls "ultrathin", though it's not expected to come out in as many models.

Differentiating Features

With indeed many ultrabook models being free, complete with similar base specifications, how can a producer jump out, and how can your commercial enterprise decide which role model to go with? Hither are a few important features that could make a difference in your decision on which ultrabook to grease one's palms.

1. Bombardment Life

When you're working connected the road, battery life is important. Tablets are great for working all mean solar day, but are still rising for enabling depicted object creation. Ultrabooks are perfect for creating content, and if a model offers battery life beyond 8 hours, possible with a larger-than-average battery or a more efficient processor Beaver State screen, IT will be well worth considering.

2. Storage Capacity

Most current ultrabooks have 128GB of flash memory, with some offering 256GB options. Piece this is plenty of infinite for some, galore businesses work with Thomas More data, and will require more than place. Instead of lugging around external hard drives, any model with 500GB Beaver State justified 1TB of storage will be desirable.

3. Display

Though nearly incumbent ultrabooks use a 13-edge in screen, those who travel often bequeath prefer littler sizes, such every bit the 11-edge MacBook Air that Orchard apple tree makes. For most business use, though, a 14 Beaver State 15-inch test will be Sir Thomas More desirable. Many businesses would as wel be served well by "retina" displays with resolutions up to 1800 x 2880, great for working with graphics or massive spreadsheets. Screen sizes and resolutions that stall impermissible from the bunch may better serve your needs and make your determination easier.

4. Processing Bucket along

With quick iron boot-up times, and a performance supercharge from the enclosed flash computer memory, ultrabooks equate favorably with laptops, but for many businesses, raw processing might makes whol the difference of opinion. Intel is equiprobable to introduce its new IvyBridge processor at CEfS, which promises to provide 20 per centum increased carrying into action over the current Sandy Bridge processor. If your business needs require serious count crunching, look for models with the latest Ivy Bridge central processor.

5. Thin and Livid

An Asus ultrabook

The main marketing point of ultrabooks is that they are thin and light. Though almost will be similar in size, shape and weight, those that are more man-portable will attract workers who drop most of their metre outside the position. Eastern Samoa Apple demonstrated with the pointed shape and aluminum unibody of its MacBook Pose, unique excogitation, materials, and components will make a simulation stand out from the pack.

In Video: First Intel-Based Ultrabooks

[For more blogs, stories, photos, and picture from the nation's largest consumer electronics show, check over PCWorld's complete coverage of CES 2012]

Joseph Fieber has 25 years undergo as an IT pro, with a background in computer consulting and software package education. Comply him on Google+ , Facebook , or Twitter , or contact lens him through his site ,


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